
This website is only for basic information. It is not to be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining your own medical consultation, during which you will be informed also about possible risks, side effects and restrictions of refractive & cataract surgery. Not all treatment options are approved or offered in every country and approved labeling and instructions may vary from one country to another. This site is also not intended for patients and healthcare providers residing in the United States of America and Japan.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism are common eye conditions described as refractive errors. These refractive errors can often be corrected with laser eye surgery also known as laser vision correction.

Eye surgeons perform laser procedures to reshape the cornea so that light is properly focused onto the retina in order to ultimately improve vision. Laser vision correction developed during the 1980s, and continues to advance. Currently, there are three types of laser surgery that employ different techniques. This includes PRK/LASEK, LASIK and Lenticule Extraction for example with ZEISS SMILE – all commonly performed surgeries that have become viable alternatives to glasses and contact lenses.


All information about minimally invasive laser eye surgery


All information about one of the most common laser vision correction


All information about the laser vision correction on the surface of the eye

Is ZEISS SMILE right for me?

Which conditions or prescriptions can be corrected?

What is astigmatism?

Can astigmatism be corrected?

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